Thursday, June 24, 2010

Need a New Roof? How to Tell

Most people don't pay any attention to their roof until there is a major problem. If you are like my family, you rush in & out of your home, barely looking at the exterior.

If you take the time to regularly inspect your roof, it can help to prevent costly repairs. You want to avoid water ever having the opportunity to enter your home. The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) offers this roof checkup guide for homeowners, and suggests checking your home twice a year, in the spring and the fall.

While it is recommended that you hire a professional to inspect your home, here are a few suggestions if you'd like to try yourself. Start in your attic, with a flashlight and look for:
  • Signs of water damage or leaking.
  • Places where the roof deck is sagging.
  • Dark spots and trails.
  • Outside light showing through the roof.
When inspecting the exterior of your roof, look for:
  • Any cracked, torn, bald or missing shingles.
  • Loose material or wear around chimneys, vents, pipes or other penetrations.
  • Large amounts of shingle granules (they look like large grains of sand) in your gutters--this means the shingles are wearing out.
  • Any sign of moisture, rot or mold.
  • Make sure gutters and downspouts are securely attached, allow water to exit, and are free of debris.

If you see signs of wear & tear on your roof, have a Marietta Roofing professional out to inspect the problem. Hopefully, it is an easy fix, and is caught before any real damage is done.

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